At HR-Industries we recruit staff for regular employment and for long-term project employment. Moreover, we hire out labour for staffing challenges for odd work hours such as evening, weekends and holiday periods. Our core values are mutual respect, trust and loyalty. We will turn down a job if we cannot handle it. And we create long-term relationships with our clients – even in trying times. All this means we are in close dialogue with our clients. Before, during and after we have helped recruit new staff. In our eyes, this helps to ensure that both the company and the worker are satisfied with the employment. For HR-Industries, it is important to have good working relationships with trade organisations, such as the Danish Metalworkers’ Union and the Danish Union of Electricians, and that we always follow the rules. We find this is reassuring to our customers and to our candidates and own employees who often have temporary work assignments for our clients or work odd hours in industry for limited periods.
We are committed to the future of industry
One of industry’s biggest challenges is the lack of skilled labour. Unfortunately, it will only get worse in the coming years. There are strong indications that there will be a shortage of 30,000 skilled workers in the metal industry in 2030. The consequence may be that Danish industrial companies will lose orders. In fact, this was the case for one in ten companies in 2018, according to a study by the Confederation of Danish Industries. That is why we are committed to making more young people choose an industrial education. HR-Industries has, among other things, launched the project “Educating together”, to supplement traditional vocational training, where we offer shared traineeships in cooperation with industrial companies and technical schools. The project aims to make it more interesting to embark on an industrial education for young people who would otherwise have chosen a different path. “Educating together” is backed by the Confederation of Danish Industries and several industrial trade unions.
We know industry and speak the language
HR-Industries builds on a solid background in and insight into industry. The office was established by owner and managing director Henrik Friis-Andersen, who was originally trained as a metalsmith and machinist. Henrik also has a degree in management. After a number of years employed in industry, Henrik started HR-Industries in 2005. Today, HR-Industries has offices in Randers, Aarhus and Aalborg. In HR-Industries, we speak the language, we know the businesses, and we know what skills companies require when searching for new staff. That is likely one of the reasons we have been able to recruit over 2,500 candidates for industry over the years, and why we still enjoy an excellent reputation among companies in industry.