Eight good reasons for hiring a shared trainee through “Educating together”

Spark debate and appear visionary

Through the project “Educating together”, your company helps to spark debate about vocational education. How do we attract young people, for example?

Expand your company’s network

Your company is part of the project “Educating together” with other exciting industrial companies. A network that can be valuable to your company.

Increase labour supply

By hiring a shared trainee, your company helps to increase the supply of skilled labour in the industry. There is a great need for that.

Educate your own employee

While the shared trainee is in your company, you help shape the trainee both professionally and personally. Perhaps there will be a mutual interest in continuing the cooperation after the training has ended.

Limited approval

As a company, it’s easier to get approval for a shared trainee than for a full traineeship. An advantage, for example, if the company is highly specialized.

A fresh breath of air in the company

Shared trainees are often young people who expect a little more. In other words, you get an apprentice that can be a breath of fresh air in the company.

Help in the recruitment process

HR-Industries is involved in finding candidates for shared trainee positions, and we coordinate where the trainee should be – and when – with the participating companies.

Support industry

Without industry, Denmark would be a poorer country to live in. When your company recruits a shared trainee, you are helping to build a strong industry for the future.